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Cloud Builder - Systems Monkey - DevRel
DC/OS frameworks are much more than just package installers; they provide a mechanism for full lifecycle management for complex applications, bundling operational best practices with automation of common actions such as scaling and upgrading. Distributed systems require complex playbooks for such operations, and the Mesos concept of application-aware scheduling makes it easy to deliver complex software as-a-Service.
The ability to run Kubernetes-as-a-Service is a great example. It’s built on top of the DC/OS SDK, and automatically manages an underlying Kubernetes cluster, in much the same way as Kubernetes manages applications.
This week I returned to Cluj-Napoca in Romania, this time to speak at DevTalks, the largest IT conference in Romania. I was very kindly invited to speak after my last visit, and participated in a panel discussion around the future of big data, and also gave a keynote on Apache Mesos and Mesosphere DC/OS.
Despite its size, Romania has a long history of producing world-class computer scientists, due to it’s high quality education system and great universities.
Yesterday’s theme of deja vu continues this morning at day 2 of KubeCon EU 2018. When you’ve been around in the open source world for a long time, it’s not uncommon for trends to rise, fall, and resurface later, and this period is no different.
Aparna Sinha, product manager from Google, gave an update on the Kubernetes project itself in the first keynote. Security was one of the big topics, and Aparna made the point that containers don’t contain very well, and many enterprises are still concerned about harder separation.